


Lost in the Flood:Why no mention of race or class in TV's Katrina coverage?
By Jack Shafer Posted Wednesday, Aug. 31, 2005, at 4:22 PM PT (via Negrophile)

This storm appears to have hurt blacks more directly than whites, but the broadcasters scarcely mentioned that fact.
To be sure, some reporters sidled up to the race and class issue. I heard them ask the storm's New Orleans victims why they hadn't left town when the evacuation call came. Many said they were broke;"I live from paycheck to paycheck," explained one woman. Others said they didn't own a car with which to escape and that they hadn't understood the importance of evacuation.

But I don't recall any reporter exploring the class issue directly by getting a paycheck-to-paycheck victim to explain that he couldn't risk leaving because if he lost his furniture and appliances, his pots and pans, his bedding and clothes, to Katrina or looters, he'd have no way to replace them. No insurance, no stable, large extended family that could lend him cash to get back on his feet, no middle-class job to return to after the storm.
But we aren't one united race, we aren't one united class, and Katrina didn't hit all folks equally. …But by ignoring race and class, they boot the journalistic opportunity to bring attention to the disenfranchisement of a whole definable segment of the population.

もう一つ。 ヤフー・ニュースに掲載された写真とその説明


"Looting" or "finding"? By Aaron Kinney. Sept. 1, 2005

Bloggers are outraged over the different captions on photos of blacks and whites in New Orleans.

One of the images, shot by photographer Dave Martin for the Associated Press, shows a young black man wading through chest-deep waters after "looting" a grocery store, according to the caption. The young man appears to have a case of Pepsi under one arm and a full garbage bag in tow. In the other, similar shot, taken by photographer Chris Graythen for AFP/Getty Images, a white man and a light-skinned woman are shown wading through chest-deep water after "finding" goods including bread and soda, according to the caption, in a local grocery store.

The images were both published on Tuesday by Yahoo News